Forest Service Location Poster survey marker

“Tack indicates location of poster.”

We found this survey marker by the Tar Kiln Trail in Piney Creek Wilderness. It’s quite hard to see, but I was able to make out that the tack in the center marks the place where this post is on a grid.

Color photograph of a Forest Service Location Poster survey marker found on the Tar Kiln Trail of Piney Creek Wilderness, Missouri.

Forest Service Location Poster survey marker found on the Tar Kiln trail of Piney Creek Wilderness

I believe this is a reference marker, or “bearing tree”. It means that it points to where the actual survey marker is (or would be if practical). This sign indicates that the marker is 8 chains* away, bearing west. As that direction was a very steep slope, I suspect this reference is all there is to indicate the marker designating the land corner. The 36 squares you see on this sign are the 36 square miles in a township.

Latitude: 36° 40.727’N
Longitude: 93° 35.686’W

*A chain is 66 feet. There are 80 chains in a mile. A parcel of land 1 mile square, known as a section, is 640 acres. A furlong is 10 chains. The side of a section is 8 furlongs long. Divide a section into furlong lengths, you get 80 acre parcels. So this explains why land is often sold in 40 or 80 or 160 acre sections.

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