
There’s a lot more content on the Ozarks Walkabout website, scroll down to see what you might have missed.

Man and woman wearing backpacks while hiking the Berryman Trail in Mark Twain National Forest.
Ginger and Gary during a spring break backpacking trip on the Berryman Trail.

About Ozarks Walkabout

If you want to know what Ozarks Walkabout is all about, then read on.
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Gary Allman and Lanie tending a campfire, Hercules Glades, September 2012

Campfire Chat

A roundup of links to other websites with news and articles we’ve found interesting, and also our own campfire musings.

Sitting by the campfire gives us a space to reflect and plan, not to mention an opportunity to swap yarns and jokes. We promise not to sing.

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False Garlic, Nothoscordum bivalve

Plants of the Ozarks

As we hike, backpack and paddle around the Ozarks we photograph many of Missouri’s and Arkansas’ plants. Ginger has keen interest in the taxonomy of plants, so we include local and scientific names wherever possible to help you correctly identify them.

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Picture of American Redbud, a spring flowering tree native to the Ozarks.

Trees of the Ozarks

Pictures and information on the trees to be found in the Ozarks.

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A newly emerged Tiger Moth pictured in the weeds at Berry Bend Campground on Truman Lake.
This little Tiger Moth was moving very quickly. His colors were intense. Seen near Truman Lake on April 21st.


There’s no shortage of bugs in the Ozarks, and as we come across them, we are adding them here.

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Photograph of a Speckled Kings taken in Piney Creek Wilderness, Missouri
Piney Creek Wilderness – Speckled Kingsnake


Anything that walks, flies slithers or swims… Mammals, reptiles, birds and fish.

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The creek can be very picturesque in the fall.

Photo Galleries

Photographs of the trails, wildernesses, campsites, campgrounds, lakes and creeks of the Ozarks.

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Ozarks Walkabout Gear

Hiking, Camping, Backpacking and Paddling Gear

Posts about our outdoors gear, and our gear reviews. Find out what works for us, and what we actually use when we go camping / hiking / backpacking and paddling.
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Ozarks Walkabout Mail

Contact Us

Go on, send us a message, tell us how we’re doing, what you’d like to see, or what you’ve been up to in the outdoors.

Contact Us

Ozarks Walkabout Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Really we shouldn’t have to say this but if we don’t some simple soul will probably have a hissy fit and get all litigious. It also helps our legal advisers sleep at night.
So here goes…

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